Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Midnight thoughts

so I randomly woke up at 4am and can't get back to sleep.. so annoyed cause I actually slept early tonight in an attempt to fix my retarded sleeping pattern

anyways it's exam period right now so I'm super stressed.
even though I'm only doing 2 papers, I managed to still leave everything till the last minute.. yes bad Sarah never learns her lesson :(

also quite depressed lately.. well not depressed but just sad in general cause it feels like it's breakup season.. everyone around me is breaking up and it makes me sad..
even couples who have been together for years are ending things for good and so it makes me doubt my own relationship, like what makes me so confident that my relationship will last..
I know it's stupid but I can't help thinking that.
I used to be so naive and believe that love conquers everything; as long as you love each other then you can make it through anything and nothing else matters (lol I think I watched too many idol dramas when I was younger) but now I realized that that is absolute bullshit

I think I have actually been influenced alot by Brandon lol dunno if that's a good thing or not :p
After being with him, I feel like I've become alot more cynical and pessimistic about the world but I guess I have also matured.

zzz I just miss believing in true love and fate and happily ever after 
maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with Fei Cheng Wu Rao lately 
like even though I know it's semi-rigged, it kinda makes me believe in fate again; that it's possible to find that person who truly completes you 

nothing lasts forever, but you wish some things could right?

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