Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Just had a super long d&m with my mum..
At first it was just me asking her for a Vodafone top-up card lol (cause she always has an endless supply of them for our business XD) but then we started talking about life and the future
She told me that she and my dad are planning to expand our business.
At first, I didn't really think it was a good idea since they're getting quite old now, and expansion just means more work for them.. but then she told me more about it, and I kinda came around to the idea.
She said that once the business expands, then they can hire a manager to deal with all the employees, and she and my dad can just step back and take on a more higher management role.
So that they don't actually have to work so much everyday.
And then I got all excited and said that maybe if our business does really well, then in a few years they can just retire and I can take over and run it, since I do accounting anyways. Cause it'd be such a shame to just sell it, after they put so much hard work into it.
But yeah.. that's thinking too far for now lol

My parents honestly inspire me so much; they are my biggest role models.
They work so hard everyday.
And they're 50 years old now, and still working.
I keep telling my mum to just retire already and enjoy life, but she keeps saying she won't retire until my brother starts university or gets a job.
Since we came to NZ almost 20 years ago, my parents have never ever taken a proper break or holiday longer than a week. Well my dad used to go China every year for business, and each time it would be a for a few months, so at least he got a break. My mum never did.
I always tell people that my mum is a superwoman. She works 5 days a week, sometimes as early as 7am to as late as 11pm, and she still takes care of all the housework.
I think my mum is actually a workaholic; like she even told me herself that if one day she retires, she's not gonna know what to do with her life anymore lol
But still.. I still wanna earn enough in the future so that they can just stop working, and go travel the world or something lol

My mum also told me something that made me so sad sigh..
My first piano teacher that I stayed with for maybe 6 or 7 years, just came back to New Zealand.
She used to live here, and she was married to a Japanese guy.
But then I think that guy used to hit her, and so they got divorced.
Then she met another guy who was 10 years older than her; he was a businessman and they went back to China, got married and had a kid. I remember a few years ago, my mum telling me she was pregnant and I was so happy for her.
But just last year, her husband died from a heart attack, so now she's a solo mum, and her child is only 4 years old. And apparantly her personality has completely changed; like she doesn't talk much anymore ><
Life is just so unfair sometimes.. I don't understand why bad things always happen to good people.
She was one of the nicest people I have ever met.
I still remember when I first started playing piano, she gave me so much encouragement and support during all those years of piano competitions, recitals, and most importantly my piano exams. Like lots of teachers nowadays are just focused on business and earning money lol, not saying all of them are! But like my second teacher who opened a school, she was always late to our lessons, or on the phone during our lesson, or just charging fees for everything.
But my first piano teacher was just a genuinely nice person.
lol I think I disappointed her since I failed my diploma exam, and then I pretty much quit piano zz.. kinda regret giving it up now

Anyways on a brighter note, I have finished exams!!
lol dunno what to do now haha, trying to look for another job cause I'm so broke.. lol I feel like I'm always complaining about being broke XD
But lots to look forward to this inter-semester break!
So many birthday parties coming up, including my own (which I need to start planning), and I'm going on the HKESA camp which should be fun
And yes I need to start fixing my sleeping pattern from now on.. don't think my body can take this unhealthy lifestyle anymore ><

Blog looks so boring so here's some photos of my new baby Air hehe
So in love! Best laptop ever

hehe got a pink keyboard cover!

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