Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello blogspot!

So I'm bored at work and decided to write a blogpost lol
Dunno why I didn't think of this earlier, cause we have a 15-minute restriction of using facebook, twitter, youtube etc but it doesn't include blogspot!
yay.. lol even though I dunno what to even blog about haha

I suck at writing, not pro compared to like Amy & Jeannie and stuff
So I doubt anyone will even want to read this
But whatever, I'm in a blogging mood XD

So its almost 3pm now.. 2 more hours before I get off work.
And 3 more days before I finish my intern!
A bit sad to leave tbh but I'm looking forward to my China trip.
Haven't been back in so long that I'm probably gonna feel like a foreigner lol

Work has been good though. Tiring but good.
I've learnt soo much.
I remember when I first started, I was so noob at Excel.. not that I'm that good now but heaps better!
Learnt heaps of functions and shortcuts and formulas.
Excel is actually amazing.. I don't think anyone appreciates it enough. It's like it can read your mind and has all these things designed for you to use to do exactly what you want in the fastest time possible.
lol anyways, I've seriously learnt alot from this intern, and met alot of people.
I feel like I've grown heaps as a person, and it's given me insight and motivation as to what I wanna do in the future.
I really like the work environment here. Everyone is really nice and friendly, and always willing to help each other. Even though most of them are much older than me, and I don't have that much to talk to them about (like today they were talking about menopause >_<) they are all a super cute bunch of people! I remember one of my colleagues said I reminded her of her daughter and that everytime she looks at me, she sees her daughter. Maybe it's a bit weird for some people, but it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside hehe
I feel super lucky to have had this opportunity and am very grateful for the experience.
Lol dunno why I'm getting all sentimental when I've only been here for two months haha, but I'm gonna miss everyone :(

Anyways probably should get back to work now lol
Leave you all with something that my colleague said this morning when she came into work:
"Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy today."